Step 1: Download Your Trial
Each product page has a Free Trial link at the top of this page; click this button to start the download process. If you're logged in with a NewBlue account you will have the option to immediately download the trial. If you don't have an account you will be prompted to sign up to get the trial.
After signing up for your free trial, you will receive an email with download links for the trial product.
For Mac: You will download a file
For Win: You will download a .exe file
Step 2: Install
For Mac: Unzip the installer called "" and then double click on the .mpkg file. Complete the directions within your installation wizard.
For Win: Double click on the installer called "NewBlue--------.exe." Complete the directions within your installation wizard.
Step 3: Create Your Account (Optional)
If you do not already have a NewBlueFX account, click on the "Create Account" button. Then complete the required fields and select "Create" when finished.
If you have an existing NewBlue account, enter your email and password. Then skip to step #5.
Please note: Your trial product is fully functional but will be watermarked, so no further activation is necessary to use the trial. Therefore, you may choose to skip steps 3 & 4 until you decide to purchase.
Step 4: Confirm Account
Once you've created a new account, you will receive an email with the subject line "Thank You for Registering." Click on the link within this email to confirm your account.
Step 5: Enjoy your free trial!
That's all there is to installing your trial! If you have questions about accessing your plugins, please refer to this FAQ: I have installed a NewBlueFX product Where can I find it in my NLE?