Connect Scoreboard Tool Data to a Graphic Layer

Titler Live Broadcast and Sport products feature in-app scoreboard controllers for baseball, basketball, football, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, and volleyball. You can connect a controller to a graphic and control the scoreboard data from within Titler Live or an Internet browser.  Below is a description of a the general workflow, as well as, a more detailed breakdown of each Scoreboard based on Sport with steps to connect your design to a scoreboard.

Note: Scoreboard controllers are not available in Titler Live Present.


  1. In Titler Live's playout interface, open a project (if a project isn't already open) and select a graphic in the playlist.

    Tip: Want to create a new graphic? Open the Graphics Library panel and drag a design from the library to your channel. You may also select File > New > Graphic to add an empty graphic template to your channel. 

  2. Choose Select a data source > Sports > Scoreboard Tool and select a sport to add the Scoreboard Tool input to the graphic.

    The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_3.31.00_PM.png

  3. Click the Link Data button in the Preview panel to view the Scoreboard Tool data controller and variables. 
  4. Click and drag a Scoreboard Tool variable onto a design element in your graphic. Repeat this step for each variable you want to include in your graphic.

    Tip: To disconnect a variable from an object in your graphic, right-click a variable in the Preview panel and choose Disconnect variable.


  5. Use the Scoreboard Controller in the Scoreboard Tool panel to drive variables in your scoreboard graphic.


Tip: To control the scoreboard from your Internet browser instead of from Titler Live's Scoreboard Tool panel, click the Open in Browser button in the Scoreboard Tool panel.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Back to the top


  1. Add one of the Baseball Scoreboard templates to the Graphic Layers panel
  2. Select a data source from the dropdown menu under the Data Controller Column for that graphic. Choose Sports > Scoreboard Tool > Baseball/SoftballScreenshot_2023-05-08_at_12.47.32_PM.png

The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.


3. All of the pre-designed variables will also be pre-linked to their associated design elements. Edit      and link any additional variables to the design at this point if so desired.


If you would like to more information on how to Edit your Design, please see Edit Graphics in the Designer.

4. In the Scoreboard Tool Panel, open the Settings in the upper right.  


Below are the Settings with a description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part of the main controls.

Setting Function Visual
Swap Teams You also have the option to use the Swap Teams button depending on if you prefer the Home Team above the Visitor or the Visitor above the Home Team in the Scoreboard Tool panel. blobid0.png

Visitor Full Name

Home Full Name

You will now be able to type Full Names of both teams which can be linked to a design element via the Linked Data column by right clicking Home Name or Visitor Name. (You also have the option to use Short Names if you prefer, which we will cover later in the Main Scoreboard Tool panel.) blobid7.png
Show Help Text

Leave this control on Yes to display Help text at the bottom of the controller window.  Choose No to hide the Help text.



Show Inning Prefix Toggle

Toggle Yes to display Top or Bottom of the Inning.



Toggle No to simply Display the Inning number.




Alert Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Alert Duration for how many seconds your would like your Single or Home Run alerts to be displayed.  Alerts are certain visibility variable that will display in your graphic with the designated command.  Alerts included Runs and Home Runs.


Message Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Message Duration for how many seconds you would like your Message to be displayed.



6. Hit Save to apply your Setting changes and return to the main Scoreboard Tool Controller.

 You are now ready to operate your Scoreboard Tool Controller synced with your graphic.  Please find all of the control options and their functions below to utilize what is needed.

Control Function Visual



These are the Short Form names that you have the option of using in your graphic instead of the Full Names you entered in the setting panel.(Note: If you choose to use the Short Name in your graphic, link the respective Short Name variable to the design element via the Linked Data column by dragging and dropping or right clicking Home Short Name or Visitor Short Name and linking to the Home Team Short or Visitor Team Short Design element.) Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_10.55.11_AM.png
Logo Browse your system to import your team Logos for that game. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.28.34_PM.png
Color Choose the Team colors by utilizing the color wheel and slider or the option of manually entering the values in RGB,HSL, or HEX. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.30.32_PM.png
Run Manually enter the number of Runs or click +1 or -1.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller.


Hit Manually enter the number of Hits or click +1 or -1.  This is a pre-connected variable which will reflect in your graphic when increased/decreased in the controller.


Error Manually enter the number of Errors or click +1 or -1.  This is a pre-connected variable which will reflect in your graphic when increased/decreased in the controller.


HR Click HR when a Home Run occurs.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller.



Base Diamonds 1,2,3



Manually click any of the Base Diamonds 1,2, or 3 to reflect in your graphic. There is also the option to Advance bases or Clear utilizing the buttons below. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_3.29.01_PM.png


Manually click 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 when a Ball occurs to reflect in your graphic.



Manually click 0, 1, 2, 3 when a Strike occurs to reflect in your graphic.



Manually click 0, 1, 2, 3 when an Out occurs to reflect in your graphic.



Manually click +/- to track your Innings within the Contoller itself.  This will visually change at the top of the controller to track the number will shift all of the previously described controls to the team At Bat to reflect in your graphic.  Choose Final to clear the Inning in your graphic.



At Bat

At Bat is a reflection of the Inning set and a visual cue for which team the controls above will be reflected in your graphic. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_3.28.13_PM.png


Type any Message you would like displayed in your graphic.  Message Duration can be adjusted in seconds within Settings. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_3.50.51_PM.png


Reset will completely reset your scoreboard to start your game over.


Show QR

Use the Show QR button to scan your mobile device in order to connect and operate your Scoreboard Controller on your mobile device.  Note: Your device must be on the same network as Titler Live. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Tip: There is also the option to open the Scoreboard Tool Controller in your browser if preferred.  If you would like to make any additional design adjustments to your graphic, please see Customize Design Layers for more detail.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Back to the top


  1. Add one of the Basketball Scoreboard templates to the Graphic Layers panel.
  2. Select a data source from the dropdown menu under the Data Controller Column for that graphic.  Choose Sports > Scoreboard Tool > Basketball.Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_3.46.30_PM.png

The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.


3. All of the pre-designed variables will also be pre-linked to their associated design elements. Edit      and link any additional variables to the design at this point if so desired.


If you would like to more information on how to Edit your Design, please see Edit Graphics in the Designer.

4. In the Scoreboard Tool Panel, open the Settings in the upper right.  Below are the Settings with a      description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part        of the main controls.


Setting Function Visual
Swap Teams You also have the option to use the Swap Teams button depending on if you prefer the Home Team above the Visitor or the Visitor above the Home Team in the Scoreboard Tool panel. blobid0.png

Visitor Full Name

Home Full Name

You will now be able to type Full Names of both teams which can be linked to a design element via the Linked Data column by right clicking Home Name or Visitor Name. (You also have the option to use Short Names if you prefer, which we will cover later in the Main Scoreboard Tool panel.) blobid7.png
Show Help Text

Leave this control on Yes to display Help text at the bottom of the controller window.  Choose No to hide the Help text.


Shot Clock Default Set your Shot Clock Default in seconds. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_5.02.20_PM.png
Game Clock Default Set your Game Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_5.13.38_PM.png
Half Time Clock Default Set your Half Time Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_5.13.45_PM.png
Overtime Clock Set your Overtime Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_5.13.52_PM.png
Default Timeouts Manually enter the number of Timeouts or click +1 or -1 for the controller to default to. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_5.14.05_PM.png
Period Mode Choose from the dropdown how the game will be divided by periods.  Options available are Quarters or Halves. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_5.14.13_PM.png

Alert Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Alert Duration for how many seconds your would like your Single or Home Run alerts to be displayed.  Alerts are certain visibility variable that will display in your graphic with the designated command.  Alerts included Runs and Home Runs.


Message Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Message Duration for how many seconds you would like your Message to be displayed.


6. Hit Save to apply your Setting changes and return to the main Scoreboard Tool Controller.


 You are now ready to operate your Scoreboard Tool Controller synced with your graphic.  Please find all of the control options and their functions below to utilize what is needed.

Control Function Visual



These are the Short Form names that you have the option of using in your graphic instead of the Full Names you entered in the setting panel.(Note: If you choose to use the Short Name in your graphic, link the respective Short Name variable to the design element via the Linked Data column by dragging and dropping or right clicking Home Short Name or Visitor Short Name and linking to the Home Team Short or Visitor Team Short Design element.)


Logo Browse your system to import your team Logos for that game. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_11.38.48_AM.png
Color Choose the Team colors by utilizing the color wheel and slider or the option of manually entering the values in RGB,HSL, or HEX. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.30.32_PM.png
Score Manually enter the Score or click +1, +2, +3, -1.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller.



Timeouts Left

Manually enter the number of Timeout allotments. Using the Timeout button will deduct a Timeout from the TOL input box for tracking purposes.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_5.55.46_PM.png
Possession Use the Possession Button to indicate the team in possession of the ball at any given time.  This is a pre-connected variable which will reflect in your graphic.


Game Clock Your Game Clock Default Time should be set from your settings menu.  However, you can manually adjust here.  Press the Start button to begin the countdown in your graphic. The Reset button will restart the clock. The Hide button will remove the visibility of the Game Clock in your graphic. This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when adjusted in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_3.07.31_PM.png

Shot Clock

Your Shot Clock Default Time should be set from your settings menu.  However, you can manually adjust here.  Press the Start button to begin the countdown in your graphic. The Reset button will restart the clock. The Hide button will remove the visibility of the Shot Clock in your graphic. This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when adjusted in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_3.07.38_PM.png


Manually click +/- to track your Periods. Press the OT button to indicate the game is in overtime or hit the + button after the 4th Quarter. Choose Final to indicate the game is over and displays the Final score in your graphic.






Type any Message you would like displayed in your graphic.  Message Duration can be adjusted in seconds within Settings. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_3.50.51_PM.png


Reset will completely reset your scoreboard to start your game over. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Show QR

Use the Show QR button to scan your mobile device in order to connect and operate your Scoreboard Controller on your mobile device.  Note: Your device must be on the same network as Titler Live. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Tip:There is also the option to open the Scoreboard Tool Controller in your browser if preferred.  If you would like to make any additional design adjustments to your graphic, please see Customize Design Layers for more detail.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Back to the top


  1. Add one of the Football Scoreboard templates to the Graphic Layers panel.
  2. Select a data source from the dropdown menu under the Data Controller Column for that graphic.  Choose Sports > Scoreboard Tool > Football.Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_3.31.00_PM.png

The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.


3. All of the pre-designed variables will also be pre-linked to their associated design elements.

Edit and link any additional variables to the design at this point if so desired.


If you would like to more information on how to Edit your Design, please see Edit Graphics in the Designer.

4. In the Scoreboard Tool Panel, open the Settings in the upper right. 


Below are the Settings with a description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part of the main controls.

Setting Function Visual
Swap Teams You also have the option to use the Swap Teams button depending on if you prefer the Home Team above the Visitor or the Visitor above the Home Team in the Scoreboard Tool panel. blobid0.png

Visitor Full Name

Home Full Name

You will now be able to type Full Names of both teams which can be linked to a design element via the Linked Data column by right clicking Home Name or Visitor Name. (You also have the option to use Short Names if you prefer, which we will cover later in the Main Scoreboard Tool panel.) blobid7.png
Show Help Text

Leave this control on Yes to display Help text at the bottom of the controller window.  Choose No to hide the Help text.

Short Play Clock Default Set your Short Play Clock Default in seconds format. (Pressing the Dead button in the main controller will start this clock.) Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_4.44.47_PM.png
Long Play Clock Default Set your Long Play Clock Default in seconds format. (Pressing the Down button in the main controller will start this clock.) Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_4.45.11_PM.png
Hide Play Clock Until Manually enter the amount of time in seconds before displaying the Play clock in your graphic. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_4.45.19_PM.png
Game Clock Default Set your Game Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_4.45.35_PM.png
Half Time Clock Default Set your Half Time Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_4.45.44_PM.png
Overtime Clock default Set your Overtime Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_4.45.52_PM.png
Default Timeouts Manually enter the number of Timeouts or click +1 or -1 for the controller to default to. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_4.46.04_PM.png

Alert Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Alert Duration for how many seconds your would like your Single or Home Run alerts to be displayed.  Alerts are certain visibility variable that will display in your graphic with the designated command.  Alerts included Runs and Home Runs.


Message Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Message Duration for how many seconds you would like your Message to be displayed.



6. Hit Save to apply your Setting changes and return to the main Scoreboard Tool Controller.


 You are now ready to operate your Scoreboard Tool Controller synced with your graphic.  Please find all of the control options and their functions below to utilize what is needed.

Control Function Visual



These are the Short Form names that you have the option of using in your graphic instead of the Full Names you entered in the setting panel.(Note: If you choose to use the Short Name in your graphic, link the respective Short Name variable to the design element via the Linked Data column by dragging and dropping or right clicking Home Short Name or Visitor Short Name and linking to the Home Team Short or Visitor Team Short Design element.) Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_10.55.11_AM.png
Logo Browse your system to import your team Logos for that game. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_11.38.48_AM.png
Color Choose the Team colors by utilizing the color wheel and slider or the option of manually entering the values in RGB,HSL, or HEX. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.30.32_PM.png
Score Manually enter the Score or click +6, +1, +2, +3, -1.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_5.30.57_PM.png


Timeouts Left

Manually enter the number of Timeout allotments. Using the Timeout button will deduct a Timeout from the TOL input box for tracking purposes.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_5.33.49_PM.png
Touchdown Pressing the Touchdown button will automatically add 6 points to your score, as well as, display a Touchdown visibility variable in your graphic. The visibility variable will display for the amount of Alert time you pre-set in your settings panel. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_5.52.14_PM.pngScreenshot_2023-05-15_at_5.52.26_PM.png
Possession Use the Possession Button to indicate the team in possession of the ball at any given time.  This is a pre-connected variable which will reflect in your graphic.





Game Clock Your Game Clock Default Time should be pre-set from your settings menu.  However, you can manually adjust here.  Press the Start button to begin the countdown in your graphic. The Reset button will restart the clock. The Hide button will remove the visibility of the Game Clock in your graphic. This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when adjusted in the controller.



Play Clock

Your Play Clock Time should be set from your settings menu.  However, you can manually adjust here.  Press the Start button to begin the countdown in your graphic. The Reset button will restart the clock. The Hide button will remove the visibility of the Shot Clock in your graphic. This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when adjusted in the controller.



Play Control

Start: Use the Start button to begin counting down your Main Clock.

Down: Use the Down button to indicate when a player is down.  The Long Play Clock will be initiated while the main clock keeps running.

Dead: Use the Dead button to initialize the Short Play Clock and stop the Main Clock


Down & Distance

Choose 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Down and manually indicate the number of yards. Hit Return or the Update button to be displayed to update your Live graphic. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_5.37.44_PM.png


Manually click +/- to track your Periods. Press the OT button to indicate the game is in overtime or hit the + button after the 4th Quarter. Choose Final to indicate the game is over and displays the Final score in your graphic.




Type any Message you would like displayed in your graphic.  Message Duration can be adjusted in seconds within Settings. Screenshot_2023-05-11_at_3.50.51_PM.png


Hit Flag to indicate a Flag on the Play and shoot an alert to your graphic to display the graphic element associated. Screenshot_2023-05-15_at_5.39.31_PM.png


Reset will completely reset your scoreboard to start your game over. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Show QR

Use the Show QR button to scan your mobile device in order to connect and operate your Scoreboard Controller on your mobile device.  Note: Your device must be on the same network as Titler Live. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Tip: There is also the option to open the Scoreboard Tool Controller in your browser if preferred.  If you would like to make any additional design adjustments to your graphic, please see Customize Design Layers for more detail.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Ice Hockey

  1. Add one of the Ice Hockey Scoreboard templates to the Graphic Layers panel.
  2. Select a data source from the dropdown menu under the Data Controller Column for that graphic.  Choose Sports > Scoreboard Tool > Ice Hockey.Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_10.08.30_AM.png

The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.


3. All of the pre-designed variables will also be pre-linked to their associated design elements. Edit      and link any additional variables to the design at this point if so desired.


If you would like to more information on how to Edit your Design, please see Edit Graphics in the Designer.

4. In the Scoreboard Tool Panel, open the Settings in the upper right.  


Below are the Settings with a description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part of the main controls.


Setting Function Visual
Swap Teams You also have the option to use the Swap Teams button depending on if you prefer the Home Team above the Visitor or the Visitor above the Home Team in the Scoreboard Tool panel. blobid0.png

Visitor Full Name

Home Full Name

You will now be able to type Full Names of both teams which can be linked to a design element via the Linked Data column by right clicking Home Name or Visitor Name. (You also have the option to use Short Names if you prefer, which we will cover later in the Main Scoreboard Tool panel.) blobid7.png
Show Help Text

Leave this control on Yes to display Help text at the bottom of the controller window.  Choose No to hide the Help text.



Game Clock Default Set your Short Play Clock Default in seconds format. (Pressing the Dead button in the main controller will start this clock.) Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_1.34.39_PM.png
Intermission Clock Default Set your Long Play Clock Default in seconds format. (Pressing the Down button in the main controller will start this clock.) Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_10.42.25_AM.png
Overtime Clock default Set your Overtime Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_10.16.55_AM.png

Alert Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Alert Duration for how many seconds your would like your Single or Home Run alerts to be displayed.  Alerts are certain visibility variable that will display in your graphic with the designated command.  Alerts included Runs and Home Runs.


Message Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Message Duration for how many seconds you would like your Message to be displayed.


6. Hit Save to apply your Setting changes and return to the main Scoreboard Tool Controller.


 You are now ready to operate your Scoreboard Tool Controller synced with your graphic.  Please find all of the control options and their functions below to utilize what is needed.

Control Function Visual



These are the Short Form names that you have the option of using in your graphic instead of the Full Names you entered in the setting panel.(Note: If you choose to use the Short Name in your graphic, link the respective Short Name variable to the design element via the Linked Data column by dragging and dropping or right clicking Home Short Name or Visitor Short Name and linking to the Home Team Short or Visitor Team Short Design element.)


Logo Browse your system to import your team Logos for that game. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_11.38.48_AM.png
Color Choose the Team colors by utilizing the color wheel and slider or the option of manually entering the values in RGB,HSL, or HEX. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.30.32_PM.png
Shots You have the option of adding a Shot Design Variable to your connected graphic to display and track the number of shots on goal by either manually entering the number or pressing the +1 or -1 buttons. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_10.47.18_AM.png


Manually enter the Score or click +1 or -1.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_1.33.12_PM.png
Timeout Using the Timeout button will initial a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic until turned off manually in the controller.




Empty Net Using the Empty Net button will initial a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic until turned off manually in the controller.




Home Penalty 1

Home Penalty 2

Vistor Penalty 1

Visitor Penalty 2

Manually enter the time in minutes and press the return key or utilize the 2 Min/5 Min buttons to play in your graphic until the countdown is complete or you have cleared it manually. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_2.22.03_PM.png

Game Clock

Your Game Clock Default Time should be pre-set from your settings menu.  However, you can manually adjust here.  Press the Start button to begin the countdown in your graphic. The Reset button will restart the clock. The Hide button will remove the visibility of the Game Clock in your graphic. This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when adjusted in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_10.49.05_AM.png


Manually click +/- to track your Periods. Press the OT button to indicate the game is in overtime or hit the + button after the 4th Quarter. Choose Final to indicate the game is over and displays the Final score in your graphic.


Penalty Status

The Penalty Status will populate based on the number of Penalties entered.  If there is design variable linked in your graphic, it will reflect what is displaying in this box. For example, one Penalty will display as a Power Play in your graphic.  A single penalty on each team occurring at the same time will reflect as 4 on 4.





Type any Message you would like displayed in your graphic.  Message Duration can be adjusted in seconds within Settings. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_1.50.19_PM.png


Reset will completely reset your scoreboard to start your game over. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Show QR

Use the Show QR button to scan your mobile device in order to connect and operate your Scoreboard Controller on your mobile device.  Note: Your device must be on the same network as Titler Live. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Tip:  There is also the option to open the Scoreboard Tool Controller in your browser if preferred.  If you would like to make any additional design adjustments to your graphic, please see Customize Design Layers for more detail.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Back to the top


  1. Add one of the Lacrosse Scoreboard templates to the Graphic Layers panel.  If you would like to more information on how to create and edit your own Design, please see Edit Graphics in the Designer.
  2. Select a data source from the dropdown menu under the Data Controller Column for that graphic.  Choose Sports > Scoreboard Tool > Lacrosse.Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_2.07.44_PM.png

The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.


3. All of the pre-designed variables will also be pre-linked to their associated design elements. Edit      and link any additional variables to the design at this point if so desired.


4. In the Scoreboard Tool Panel, open the Settings in the upper right.  Below are the Settings with a      description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part        of the main controls.


Below are the Settings with a description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part of the main controls.

Setting Function Visual
Swap Teams You also have the option to use the Swap Teams button depending on if you prefer the Home Team above the Visitor or the Visitor above the Home Team in the Scoreboard Tool panel. blobid0.png

Visitor Full Name

Home Full Name

You will now be able to type Full Names of both teams which can be linked to a design element via the Linked Data column by right clicking Home Name or Visitor Name. (You also have the option to use Short Names if you prefer, which we will cover later in the Main Scoreboard Tool panel.) blobid7.png
Show Help Text

Leave this control on Yes to display Help text at the bottom of the controller window.  Choose No to hide the Help text.



Gender Use the dropdown menu to select the gender of your players to populate the correct version of the Scoreboard. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_2.35.24_PM.png
Timeouts Default Set the number of Timeouts delineated to each team. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_2.37.00_PM.png
Game Clock Default Set your Game Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_3.35.45_PM.png
Half Time Clock Default Set your Half Time Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_3.35.53_PM.png
Overtime Clock default Set your Overtime Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_3.36.11_PM.png

Play Clock Time

Set your Game Clock Time in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.)


Green Card Time

Set your preferred Green Card Time in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.)


Yellow Card Time

Set your preferred Yellow Card Time in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.)


Red Card Time

Set your preferred Red Card Time in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.)


Alert Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Alert Duration for how many seconds your would like your Single or Home Run alerts to be displayed.  Alerts are certain visibility variable that will display in your graphic with the designated command.  Alerts included Runs and Home Runs.


Message Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Message Duration for how many seconds you would like your Message to be displayed.



6. Hit Save to apply your Setting changes and return to the main Scoreboard Tool Controller.


 You are now ready to operate your Scoreboard Tool Controller synced with your graphic.  Please find all of the control options and their functions below to utilize what is needed.

Control Function Visual



These are the Short Form names that you have the option of using in your graphic instead of the Full Names you entered in the setting panel.(Note: If you choose to use the Short Name in your graphic, link the respective Short Name variable to the design element via the Linked Data column by dragging and dropping or right clicking Home Short Name or Visitor Short Name and linking to the Home Team Short or Visitor Team Short Design element.)


Logo Browse your system to import your team Logos for that game. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_11.38.48_AM.png
Color Choose the Team colors by utilizing the color wheel and slider or the option of manually entering the values in RGB,HSL, or HEX. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.30.32_PM.png
Timeouts Manually enter the number of Timeout allotments or adjust the amount of Timouts available at any time by using the +1 or -1 buttons adjacent to the input box.   The Time button will deduct a Timeout from the Timeouts input box for tracking purposes and stop the clock.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller.



Manually enter the Score or click +1 or -1 or use the Goal button to add to the score and initiate the design element in your graphic.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller.



Use the Possession Button to indicate the team in possession of the ball at any given time.  This will highlight that Team’s controls within the controller and is a pre-connected variable which will reflect in your graphic.


Penalty Clock


Using the GRN, YLW, or RED button will initial the Penalty Clock and list as a Man Down while a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic. The Clear button will clear the design elements from displaying in your graphic and remove from the scoreboard.



Game Clock

Your Game Clock Default Time should be pre-set from your settings menu.  However, you can manually adjust here.  Press the Start button to begin the countdown in your graphic. The Reset button will restart the clock. The Hide button will remove the visibility of the Game Clock in your graphic. This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when adjusted in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_4.28.37_PM.png

Play Clock

Your Game Clock Default Time should be pre-set from your settings menu.  However, you can manually adjust here.  Press the Start button to begin the countdown in your graphic. The Reset button will restart the clock. The Hide button will remove the visibility of the Game Clock in your graphic. This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when adjusted in the controller.



Manually click +/- to track your Periods. Press the OT button to indicate the game is in overtime or hit the + button after the 4th Quarter. Choose Final to indicate the game is over and displays the Final score in your graphic.


Penalty Indicator

Manually push just the Penalty Indicator to your graphic of either a Green Car, Yellow Card, or Red Card without a Penalty Clock being visible.




Type any Message you would like displayed in your graphic.  Message Duration can be adjusted in seconds within Settings. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_1.50.19_PM.png


Reset will completely reset your scoreboard to start your game over. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Show QR

Use the Show QR button to scan your mobile device in order to connect and operate your Scoreboard Controller on your mobile device.  Note: Your device must be on the same network as Titler Live. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Tip: There is also the option to open the Scoreboard Tool Controller in your browser if preferred.  If you would like to make any additional design adjustments to your graphic, please see Customize Design Layers for more detail.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Back to the top


  1. Add one of the Soccer Scoreboard templates to the Graphic Layers panel.
  2. Select a data source from the dropdown menu under the Data Controller Column for that graphic.  Choose Sports > Scoreboard Tool > Soccer.Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_4.55.18_PM.png

The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.


3. All of the pre-designed variables will also be pre-linked to their associated design elements. Edit      and link any additional variables to the design at this point if so desired.


If you would like to more information on how to Edit your Design, please see Edit Graphics in the Designer.

4. In the Scoreboard Tool Panel, open the Settings in the upper right.  


Below are the Settings with a description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part of the main controls.

Setting Function Visual
Swap Teams You also have the option to use the Swap Teams button depending on if you prefer the Home Team above the Visitor or the Visitor above the Home Team in the Scoreboard Tool panel. blobid0.png

Visitor Full Name

Home Full Name

You will now be able to type Full Names of both teams which can be linked to a design element via the Linked Data column by right clicking Home Name or Visitor Name. (You also have the option to use Short Names if you prefer, which we will cover later in the Main Scoreboard Tool panel.) blobid7.png
Length of Period Use the dropdown menu to select the gender of your players to populate the correct version of the Scoreboard. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_4.56.37_PM.png
Overtime Clock Default Set the number of Timeouts delineated to each team. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_4.56.42_PM.png
Half Time Clock Default Set your Half Time Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.) Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_3.35.53_PM.png
Clock Counts Down Set your Overtime Clock Default in Min:Sec format. (You will also have the option to adjust this setting in the main controller.)



Alert Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Alert Duration for how many seconds your would like your Single or Home Run alerts to be displayed.  Alerts are certain visibility variable that will display in your graphic with the designated command.  Alerts included Runs and Home Runs.


Message Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Message Duration for how many seconds you would like your Message to be displayed.



6. Hit Save to apply your Setting changes and return to the main Scoreboard Tool Controller.


 You are now ready to operate your Scoreboard Tool Controller synced with your graphic.  Please find all of the control options and their functions below to utilize what is needed.

Control Function Visual



These are the Short Form names that you have the option of using in your graphic instead of the Full Names you entered in the setting panel.(Note: If you choose to use the Short Name in your graphic, link the respective Short Name variable to the design element via the Linked Data column by dragging and dropping or right clicking Home Short Name or Visitor Short Name and linking to the Home Team Short or Visitor Team Short Design element.)


Logo Browse your system to import your team Logos for that game. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_11.38.48_AM.png
Color Choose the Team colors by utilizing the color wheel and slider or the option of manually entering the values in RGB,HSL, or HEX. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.30.32_PM.png


Manually enter the Score or click +1 or -1 or use the Goal button to add to the score and initiate the design element in your graphic.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.22.24_PM.png
Game Clock

Use the Possession Button to indicate the team in possession of the ball at any given time.  This will highlight that Team’s controls within the controller and is a pre-connected variable which will reflect in your graphic.


Additional Time

Using the GRN, YLW, or RED button will initial the Penalty Clock and list as a Man Down while a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic. The Clear button will clear the design elements from displaying in your graphic and remove from the scoreboard. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.24.24_PM.png


Manually click +/- to track your Periods. Press the OT button to indicate the game is in overtime or hit the + button after the 4th Quarter. Choose Final to indicate the game is over and displays the Final score in your graphic.



Manually push just the Penalty Indicator to your graphic of either a Green Car, Yellow Card, or Red Card without a Penalty Clock being visible.




Type any Message you would like displayed in your graphic.  Message Duration can be adjusted in seconds within Settings. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_1.50.19_PM.png


Reset will completely reset your scoreboard to start your game over. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Show QR

Use the Show QR button to scan your mobile device in order to connect and operate your Scoreboard Controller on your mobile device.  Note: Your device must be on the same network as Titler Live. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Tip: There is also the option to open the Scoreboard Tool Controller in your browser if preferred.  If you would like to make any additional design adjustments to your graphic, please see Customize Design Layers for more detail.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Back to the top


  1. Add one of the Volleyball Scoreboard templates to the Graphic Layers panel.
  2. Select a data source from the dropdown menu under the Data Controller Column for that graphic.  Choose Sports > Scoreboard Tool > Volleyball.Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.38.00_PM.png

The Scoreboard Tool input appears as a tab in the Layer Properties panel and in the playlist for that graphic.


3. All of the pre-designed variables will also be pre-linked to their associated design elements. Edit      and link any additional variables to the design at this point if so desired.


If you would like to more information on how to Edit your Design, please see Edit Graphics in the Designer.

4. In the Scoreboard Tool Panel, open the Settings in the upper right. 


Below are the Settings with a description of their function to adjust what is necessary for your broadcast that will not be part of the main controls.

Setting Function Visual
Swap Teams You also have the option to use the Swap Teams button depending on if you prefer the Home Team above the Visitor or the Visitor above the Home Team in the Scoreboard Tool panel. blobid0.png

Visitor Full Name

Home Full Name

You will now be able to type Full Names of both teams which can be linked to a design element via the Linked Data column by right clicking Home Name or Visitor Name. (You also have the option to use Short Names if you prefer, which we will cover later in the Main Scoreboard Tool panel.) blobid7.png
Show Help Text

Leave this control on Yes to display Help text at the bottom of the controller window.  Choose No to hide the Help text.


Winning Score Set the total points needed to reach a winning score. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_3.51.32_PM.png

Alert Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Alert Duration for how many seconds your would like your Single or Home Run alerts to be displayed.  Alerts are certain visibility variable that will display in your graphic with the designated command.  Alerts included Runs and Home Runs.


Message Duration

(In Seconds)

Set your Message Duration for how many seconds you would like your Message to be displayed.



6. Hit Save to apply your Setting changes and return to the main Scoreboard Tool Controller.


 You are now ready to operate your Scoreboard Tool Controller synced with your graphic.  Please find all of the control options and their functions below to utilize what is needed.

Control Function Visual



These are the Short Form names that you have the option of using in your graphic instead of the Full Names you entered in the setting panel.(Note: If you choose to use the Short Name in your graphic, link the respective Short Name variable to the design element via the Linked Data column by dragging and dropping or right clicking Home Short Name or Visitor Short Name and linking to the Home Team Short or Visitor Team Short Design element.)


Logo Browse your system to import your team Logos for that game. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_11.38.48_AM.png
Color Choose the Team colors by utilizing the color wheel and slider or the option of manually entering the values in RGB,HSL, or HEX. Screenshot_2023-05-10_at_5.30.32_PM.png

Game 1

Game 2

Game 3

Game 4

Game 5

Games Won

Manually enter the Score or click +1 or -1 to add to the score for the Game selected and initiate the design element in your graphic.  When the score reaches your Winning Score allocated from your Settings menu, the scoreboard will automatically populate Games Won and move to the next Game Score.  This is a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic when increased in the controller.



Use the Serve button to indicate the team in possession of the ball at any given time.  This will highlight that Team’s controls within the controller and is a pre-connected variable which will reflect in your graphic.


Additional Time

Using the GRN, YLW, or RED button will initial the Penalty Clock and list as a Man Down while a pre-connected visibility variable which will play in your graphic. The Clear button will clear the design elements from displaying in your graphic and remove from the scoreboard. Screenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.24.24_PM.png


Manually push just the Penalty Indicator to your graphic of either a Yellow Card, or Red Card.




Type any Message you would like displayed in your graphic.  Message Duration can be adjusted in seconds within Settings. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_1.50.19_PM.png


Reset will completely reset your scoreboard to start your game over. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Show QR

Use the Show QR button to scan your mobile device in order to connect and operate your Scoreboard Controller on your mobile device.  Note: Your device must be on the same network as Titler Live. Screenshot_2023-05-18_at_12.00.18_PM.png

Tip: There is also the option to open the Scoreboard Tool Controller in your browser if preferred.  If you would like to make any additional design adjustments to your graphic, please see Customize Design Layers for more detail.

Troubleshooting tip: If you are experiencing flashing of your digits when two clock variables are running, you can smooth this out by performing the following:

  1. Editing Graphic and open in the Designer
  2. Select each clock layer
  3. Go to the Properties panel > Motion and Data > Variable Settings
  4. Click the Animate in/out checkboxScreenshot_2023-05-17_at_5.59.53_PM.png
  5. Repeat for each clock layer that is flashing
  6. Save your changes in the Designer by clicking the green checkbox in the bottom corner.

Back to top

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