Designer workspace overview

The Designer's workspace is where you design graphics and preview text, shapes, or other design layers from your graphic.

Sections in this article:

Open a graphic in the Designer

Select a graphic from Captivate's Layers workspace, then click the Edit Graphic button in the Preview panel.


The graphic will then open in the Designer. The canvas area within the Designer allows you to select and edit design layers. It may also be used to get a playback preview of your graphic. 


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Position and rotate design layers in 2D and 3D space

The canvas includes on-screen controls to move text and shapes in 2D and 3D space. This makes it easy to quickly reposition, scale, and adjust objects in your graphic.

2D control

  1. Select a layer to expose the 2D and 3D controls.
  2. Click the rotate rotate-icon.png icon and drag the icon to rotate the design layer.

3D control

  1. Select a layer to expose the 2D and 3D controls.
  2. Click the globe globe-icon.png icon to enable 3D rotation.
  3. Click and drag a design layer to rotate it in 3D space.
  4. Click the globe icon or an empty area in the canvas to turn off 3D rotation.

Note: Additional 2D and 3D position/scale/rotation controls can be accessed from the Motion & Data tab from Properties panel within the Layer section

Tip: Press CTRL/CMD + H to toggle the layer's bounding box visibility off or on. You may still move, scale and transform a paragraph when the paragraph box is hidden.

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Align design layers with grids, rules, and guidelines

The workspace includes grids, rules, and guidelines to help you align layers within the canvas. Design layers snap into place when grids and guidelines are turned on, but you can temporarily disable snapping if you hold the ALT key while you move design layers.

Marking grid

Click the Marking Grid marking-grid-btn.png button at the top of the workspace to display a grid.


Rules and guidelines

  1. Click the Guidelines guidelines-btn.png button above the canvas to display vertical and horizontal rules.
  2. To add a guideline, click the side rule (for horizontal guidelines) or the top rule (for vertical guidelines) and drag the pointer into the workspace.


To move a guideline, click the end of the guideline in the rule area and drag the guideline to the desired position.

To remove a guideline, click the end of the guideline in the rule area and drag the guideline back to the rule area.

To clear all guidelines, choose View > Clear Guidelines.

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Design with safe margins and crosshairs

Safe margins allow you to view title-safe areas in your workspace. You can display standard and high-definition safe margins and crosshairs as you design titles.

Click the Safe Margins safe-margins-btn.png button at the top of the workspace to display lines that represent safe margins.


To set the safe margins' aspect ratio and crosshairs, choose View > Margins setup and select Crosshairs, 16:9 Margins, 16:9 HD Margins, or 4:3 Margins.

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Select multiple design layers at once

If you want to change or move multiple design layers at the same time, use the Lasso tool to select multiple design layers in the canvas or timeline.

from the canvas, position your cursor away from the design layer region then click and drag the cursor over the desired layers.

from the timeline, click near the design layer in the timeline and cursor the pointer over the desired layers.

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Zoom into the canvas

When you zoom into a graphic, layers are magnified relative to the size of the canvas

Select a percentage from the Zoom zoom.png drop-down list in the top-right corner of the workspace.

To scroll around the workspace when the zoom is greater than 100%, click and drag the horizontal and vertical scrollbars, or click and hold the panning square zoom-panning-square.png at the bottom-right corner of the workspace and move the pointer.

To change how the canvas scrolls in relation to the cursor's movement when using the panning square, click NewBlue Captivate > Preferences > Invert Pan Behavior.

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