Selective Focus blurs the image outside an arbitrarily shaped area. Use Selective Focus to mimic a shallow depth of field or call attention to a region in the image.
Place this effect on the clip and designate an area of the image that should stay in focus with the Shape controls. Adjust the out of focus blur with the Defocus controls.
- The Shape group lets you adjust the four corners of the image. Drag the control points to adjust the four corners. Use the arrow keys to further fine tune.
- Curve sets the roundness of your Shape. With Curve set to 100, your shape will be an oval. With Curve set to 0, your shape will be a rectangle. .
- Feather determines the sharpness of the edge of your selected focus area. With Feather at 0, the edge of the focus area will be sharp and clearly defined. As you increase Feather, the edge of the focus area will start to blend with the out of focus area, for a more natural appearance.
- Enabling the Test Mask option displays only the area inside the selected region. This makes it much easier to define a region using the Shape controls.
- The Defocus group determines how the focus blur is applied to your image.
- Blur sets the amount of focus blur.
- Enable the Invert option to swap the in-focus and out-of-focus areas.