The Region Scope plugin allows you to select a subsection of your footage for inspection and display color information for that subsection in a variety of formats. Common uses of the Region Scope are to line up skin tones with normal values, see where your sky is causing hotter values, or see where your colors are oversaturated.
Note: Region Scope is an inspecting tool only, and as such, is best utilized in combination with other color grading/correcting plugins.
How to Use:
- Dial in the Width and Height to set the size of area you wish to inspect.
- Move the Position X and Y controls to place the green bounding box around the area of your footage you wish to inspect. Depending on your NLE, you may also be able to use your NLE’s overlay position targets in the preview window.
- Select which Video Scope you wish to view so that you can see the information which is most helpful to your task.
TIP: A convenient way to work with Region Scope is to place it on an adjustment layer, or effect track above all your programming in your timeline. This way you can have the effect running over your entire edit and turn Region Scope ON and OFF when you need it.
- The Target Region dropdown contains all the controls necessary to transform your scope region.
- Position determines the X,Y coordinates of your Target Region for inspection.
- Width and Height determine the size of the Target Region to be used.
- Video Scope allows you to project one of three scopes on your preview so that you can see how your adjustments from other plugins are affecting the picture.
- Vector - Classic is a traditional display which shows saturation levels in your picture.
- Vector - Color displays saturation information with the addition of color being shown in the scope display.
- RGB Parade shows the luminance levels of your picture, separated out into separate Red, Green and Blue channels.
- Waveform shows the luminance levels of your picture from black or shadow levels at the bottom to white or highlight levels at the top.
- Histogram shows the spread and quantity of pixels from black or shadow levels toward the left side to white or highlight levels toward the right side. This scope also separates out three channels of Red, Green and Blue and the combination of all three as combined luminance represented by White.