How to use Light Ring

Light Ring transitions between two clips using a glowing ring of light.

Set the Width and Shape of your light ring, the adjust the Color and Glow to set your final look.

  • Width sets the width of the light ring.
  • Shape sets the shape of the light ring. At 50 it is a perfect circle; at 1 it is a flat, wide band; and at 100 it is a tall skinny oval.
  • Reverse causes the light ring to start outside the image and shrink toward the center, bringing the second image with it. With Reverse off, the light ring will start at the center and get larger, moving past the edges of the video and bringing the second image with it.
  • Center sets the point where the light ring starts.
  • Glow increases the brightness and intensity of the light ring.
  • Color sets the color of the light ring. Use the color dropper to select a color directly from the video. Or, click on the color swatch to create or edit the color directly. If Color is set to black, the light ring will be transparent.
  • Liquify adds water-like ripples to the transition. Positive values make the image ripple outward from the light ring, and negative values make it shrink backward towards the light ring.
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