The Scoreboard Tool allows you to control a real-time game clock and scoreboard right from Titler Live.
To access the Scoreboard feature, simply go to View> Scoreboard.
This will launch the Scoreboard interface.
Note: Please note that the Scoreboard interface is only available in Titler Live Broadcast Advance and Titler Live Broadcast.
Score: This option controls the game score in real time. You can change the score of the Home and Guest teams by manually entering the number in the score field or by increments of +1, +2 or +3. In order for the game scores to adjust, your template must have text variables labeled "Home Score" and Visitor Score" for the Scoreboard to update.
Home Score: Home Score will be tied to a variable named "Home Score." Any changes in the Home Score will be reflected in the Home Score variable field in real time.
Visitor Score: Visitor Score will be tied to a variable named "Visitor Score." Any changes in the Home Score will be reflected in the Visitor Score variable field in real time.
Visitor Team: Visitor Team will be tied to a variable named "Visitor Team." Any changes in the Visitor Team will be reflected in the Visitor Team variable field.
Home Team: Home Team will be tied to a variable named "Home Team." Any changes in the Home Team will be reflected in the Home Team variable field.
Clock 1: Clock 1 will be tied to a variable named "Clock 1" any changes in the game Clock will be reflected in the Clock 1 variable field in real time.
Clock 2: Clock 2 will be tied to a variable named "Clock 2" any changes in the game Clock will be reflected in the Clock 2 variable field in real time.
Digit Count: This option allows you to set the digit count in the clock. You can choose from one to six digits.
Total Time: This sets the total time that the clock will count.
Count Up: Check this box to have the clock count the time in ascending order. Uncheck this box to have the clock count down from the set time.
Reset at End: Check this box to have the clock reset to the originally set time upon reaching the set time in a count up or a countdown.
Hide When Not Running: This option will hide the Clock variable from showing up in your title.
Linking Clocks
When the linking button is enabled, the two game clocks will be linked. Pressing the pause button on one clock will stop both clocks and vice-versa. When the link button is disabled, the clocks will operate independently of each other.
Promoting Variables
Promote variables From Template: Promoting Variables from template lets you quickly import variables from your current template for easy access and modification inside of the Scoreboard UI.
You may choose which variables to import and edit them live right from the Scoreboard UI.