
Saving Templates to the Library

Titles can be saved as templates directly in the library window. You can choose to save a template in an existing folder or save a template in a custom folder.

To create a custom folder in the library, right click and select "New Category" to create a new folder. Your newly created folder will appear with white letters. Every user-created folder will show up with white letters and be available for access or editing in your computer's Documents folder. Stock folders that are included in the Titler Live installation will be gray and are accessible from your Program Files folder.


To save the current title in the library, browse over to the destination folder, right click and select "Save current title here."


This will save the current title to the current folder.

You may also access the location of your template or folder by right-clicking on an item and selecting "Open Containing Folder"


Note: On Windows, folders installed by Titler Live will be available in the Program Files>NewBlueFX>Titler Content>Resources>Library directory, whereas user-created folders will be created in the Documents>NewBlue>Titler Live>Library folder of the system.

On Mac, folders installed by Titler Live will be available in the/Library/Application Support/NewBlue/Titler Content/Resources/Library folder, whereas user-created folders will be created in the<HOME>/documents/NewBlue/Titler Live/Library/folder of the system.

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