Use the Color Fixer Pro effect to quickly balance colors in images. For example, if the lighting is inconsistent across two shots or in footage taken from two cameras, with Color Fixer Pro you can balance the color while maintaining broadcast-safe color values. You can also adjust an image’s saturation, brightness, and film gamma, and preserve blacks and whites to get the look you want.
Sections in this article:
Video of Color Fixer Pro in action
Steps to use Color Fixer Pro
- Apply the Color Fixer Pro effect to a scene in your video editor.
- In the Color Fixer Pro settings, click the Color picker and select a spot in the image that is supposed to be white or gray. For the best correction, select a middle tone in the image.
- Increase the Correction value until the color changes to a balanced shade of white or gray. A greater value increases the strength of color correction; 100 is a full correction and 0 is no correction.
- To further adjust the image, adjust the following settings:
- Saturation — Set the strength of the color. A greater value increases the amount of color enhancement.
- Brightness — Set the brightness of the entire image.
- Film Gamma — Recreate the brightness behavior of film. Film tends to have a linear color region in the middle while the highs (brights) and lows (darks) are compressed. The Film Gamma control recreates this by compressing the lights and darks while expanding the mid-tones, so brights are brighter and darks are darker.
- To set the darkest and brightest parts of the image per Broadcast Safe standards, adjust the following settings.
- Min Black — Determine how dark the darkest parts of an image are. Decrease the value to create a rich, deep black level. Increase the value if an image loses details in the shadows.
- Max White — Determine how bright the brightest parts of an image are.
- If you use Color Fixer Pro with other effects on the same clip, apply Color Fixer Pro at the end of the hierarchy of effects to help ensure the results don't exceed Broadcast Safe standards.
- Although the legal range for RGB is 0-255, the legal range for YUV, which is used in most broadcast applications, is 16-235.