Blur objects with Quick Pixelator

Use the Quick Pixelator effect to blur people or objects that include a similar color without having to keyframe the changes. For example, if you want to obscure the faces of people in a scene, Quick Pixelator can target their skin tone and pixelate only areas in the scene that are within the color range that you select. You can also apply a four-point mask for more control over multi-colored objects and to limit the affected region

Sections in this article:

Video of Quick Pixelator in action

Steps to use Quick Pixelator

  1. Apply the Quick Pixelator effect to a scene in your video editor.
  2. In the Quick Pixelator settings, expand the Pixelate Color section and select a Color that is in the middle of the range of colors that you want to pixelate.


  3. Adjust the Range value to include more or fewer colors that are around the color you selected in the previous step. A greater value increases the range of colors that will be targeted.
  4. Adjust the following settings as needed.
    • Shrink — Change the size of the chroma mask.
    • Block Size — Change the size of the square blocks that form the pixelation effect.
    • Blur — Change amount of blur in the effect. Greater values create a look that is more blurry than pixelated.
  5. To limit the area of the effect and omit other areas in the video that include similar colors, expand the 4-point Region Mask section and adjust the following settings to customize the position and shape of the mask.
    • Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, and Bottom Right — Controls the horizontal and vertical position of the mask's four points.
    • Curve — Adds a curved shape to the mask.
    • Feather — Softens the edge of the mask and blends the boundary between areas that are pixelated and not pixelated.
    • Invert — Reverses the areas that are affected and are not affected by the mask.

    Tip: To pixelate a region based solely on the 4-Point Region Mask settings, pick the dominant Color in your scene and set the Range to 100. This includes all areas of the picture in the effect.

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