Active Camera simulates every variety of camera jitter, from agitated hand-held to jackhammer to a gentle train ride.
Use the controls to set the motion's behavior.
- Horizontal set the range of motion along the horizontal (side to side) axis.
- Vertical set the range of motion along the vertical (up and down) axis.
- Rotation set the range of rotation around the picture center.
- Crop enlarge the picture so it doesn't chop off at the edges from the camera movements. Depending on the Horizontal, Vertical and Rotation settings, dial this in just enough to hide all exposed picture edges.
- Rate set the speed at which the camera moves from one position to another.
- Jitter set the rate and intensity of random jitter as the camera moves from one position to another.
- When the image reaches a new position, it can stay still for a short period before starting its trajectory to the next position. The Hold control determines what percentage of move time is spent holding at each new position. Drag to the left for a short hold time. Drag to the right for a long hold time and a very quick move between holds.
- Blur cause a trailing "ghost" of the image to be blended into the picture, emphasizing the motion. Drag to the right to increase both the mix level of the second image and the camera delay that caused it. Drag to the left to decrease the mix level.
- Set Synchronize Axes to make the motions in the X, Y and Rotation axes stay synchronized at the same point in time. When this option is not selected, the three parameters move independently in time, with unaligned motion end points. When synchronized, the motion end points occur at the same time.
Be sure that the Rate, Jitter and Hold controls are set only once with a clip. If they are set part way into the clip, they can cause a sudden jump in the picture. This may be OK for very active movement, but for slow, gentle moves, it is inappropriate.