
Tile takes your video and duplicates it multiple times across the screen, adding adjustable variations to each copy.

Place the Tile effect on your video clip. Adjust the Vertical and Horizontal controls to set how many copies of the image are displayed onscreen. Increase the Overlap control to stagger the rows. Use the Origin and Scale controls to set what part of the image is displayed in the square, or check Stretch to make the entire image fit in the square. Finally, use the Process group to make changes that will affect each square, and use the Variation group to set random variations that will occur between the squares.

  • The Tile group sets how many times the image will be copied onscreen, and which part of the image is displayed in the squares.
  • Vertical sets the number of squares vertically.
  • Horizontal sets the number of squares horizontally.
  • Overlap adjusts how much the rows are offset from each other.
  • Origin adjusts the position of the image inside the square.
  • Scale sets the size of the image inside the square.
  • Tile Vertically causes the squares to be offset vertically instead of horizontally.
  • Stretch scales the image to fit inside the square.
  • The Process group makes adjustments to the video that will be applied to each square.
  • The Color control sets the desired color for tinting, either by choosing from a palette of colors or using the color dropper to pick a color from the video image.
  • Tint sets the influence of the color. Tint can be turned up above 0 to increase the color or turned down below 0 to subtract it out.
  • Saturation adjusts the color strength. At 0, the colors remain unchanged. Turn down Saturation to remove color; turn it up to enhance the colors.
  • Brightness adjusts the brightness of the images.
  • Clarity adjusts the contrast of the image. Increase this control to make the bright areas of the image brighter and the dark areas darker.
  • The Variation group lets you add random variations to the squares to distinguish them from each other.
  • Increase the Color control to add random color changes to the images.
  • Tint adds random amounts of tinting to the images; the color used is set by the Color control in the Process group.
  • Saturation adds random variations in saturation to the images.
  • Brightness adds random variations in brightness to the images.
  • Clarity adds random variations in contrast to the images.
  • Opacity adds random variations of opacity to the images.
  • Blur adds random variations of blur to the images.
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