Picture Grid makes it easy to create multi-image videos without having to manually resize and position each clip.
Place the Picture Grid effect on the first clip to be shown onscreen. Increase the Grid Segments controls to set how many sections the video screen will be divided into. Adjust the Window Size controls to determine how many grid squares the first video will occupy, and where it will be located onscreen. Adjust the Picture controls to set how the video will be displayed inside the square. Next, use the Border controls if you would like to add a border to this video square. Finally, repeat this process for all the other video clips that will be placed into the grid.
- The Grid Segments group sets how many squares the screen will be divided into. In most cases you will want to use these same settings for all the clips you are placing in the grid.
- H Count sets the number of squares horizontally
- V Count sets the number of squares vertically
- The Window Size group sets how much of the grid this particular video will occupy
- Width sets how many grid squares the video will occupy horizontally
- Height sets how many grid squares the video will occupy vertically
- Grid Position adjusts where the video is placed on the grid
- The Picture group adjusts how the video is displayed inside the square
- Position sets the origin point of the image inside the square
- Size adjusts the scaling of the image inside the square
- Opacity adjusts the visibility of the image
- Stretch scales the image to fit completely inside the square
- The Border group allows you to add a border around the video square
- Color sets the color of the border
- Thickness sets the width of the border
- Opacity sets the visibility of the border
- Rounding sets how round the edges of the border are