Water Color repaints the video scene so that it resembles a water color painting.
Set the paint color properties and paint brush width.
- Color Shift shifts the colors around the color wheel, for example so blues become greens and greens become yellows. This is useful to effect a subtle (or not so subtle) change in the color palette.
- Color adjusts the color richness, or saturation of the image. Turn this down to remove color; turn it up to enhance the colors.
- Brightness sets the over all light level of the image.
- Contrast sets the image contrast. Above 0 increases contrast, for darker darks and lighter lights. Below 0 reduces contrast, resulting in a duller image.
- Brush Width sets the size of the paint brush.
- Blend sets the mix between the original image and the painted image. Use this to bring a little of the original detail back into the picture.