Quick Pixelator

Quick Pixelator provides a way to obscure objects of one color on moving video without having to keyframe, such as skin tone on multiple people in one shot. While using color to make the selection, the additional 4-Point Region Mask can be used for precise control over multi-colored objects or to limit the region in which the color mask will operate.

Since Quick Pixelator works on a color and the range around it, it is important to select a color which you believe is in the middle of the range of colors you wish to pixelate.

  • Select the color you wish to obscure with pixilation. Then set the Range of colors around it to include the area you desire.
  • Adjust the Block Size until you have the look you desire.
  • If other areas in your picture have similar colors, but you wish to not include those areas in the effect, use the 4-Point Mask to restrict the area in which the effect operates.
    • To adjust the 4-Point Mask, engage your NLE’s Point controls in your preview window, or adjust the X,Y controls of the four corners of the Mask and adjust the Curve, Feather and Invert until you have the desired affect.

TIP: If you wish to pixelate a region purely based on the 4-Point Region Mask, then simply pick the dominant color cast in your scene and then set your Range to 100. This will cause all areas of your picture to be included in effect.

  • Color selects the color you wish the pixelate effect to act upon.
  • Range controls the range of adjacent colors which are included in the effect around the color you have chosen.
  • Block Size determines the size of square blocks which “pixelate” your image.
  • 4-Point Region Mask section limits the area in which the effect will operate.
    • Top Left/Right, Bottom Left/Right controls the X,Y position of the four points which create the mask.
    • Curve adjusts the mask shape from an angular, straight-lined shape into an organic, curved shape.
    • Feather adds a softening to the edge of the mask.
    • Invert reverses the area which the mask limits.
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