Titler Live SportzCast Edition lets you add and create scoreboards directly inside of Wirecast.
To add a title, head over to the Shot Bin and click on the + icon.
A new Titler Live source will be generated.
Click OK to add the shot to your bin.
Expand the collapsible options menu on the left-hand side of the interface to reveal your shot layers. The menu can also be opened by double-clicking on the Titler source.
Click on the Properties tab to reveal the Titler Live Properties panel. Click on the "Configure" button to open the Titler Live Sportzcast Edition interface.
Titler Live SportzCast Edition comes with more than 50 scoreboard templates ready to connect to your current ScoreBot. Just drag and drop a template to the playlist and choose a scoreboard behavior.
To learn more about choosing templates, see Choosing Templates.
Make sure you make your Title source live in Wirecast before you push a title live.
Click on the Go Live button to make your push your title live. The button will turn red when a title is currently live.
You can set title play behaviors using Action Buttons or Auto-Play modes. For more information, see Action Buttons.