Connect Scoreboard Tool data to a design

Some Titler Live products feature in-app scoreboard controllers for baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, and volleyball. You can connect a controller to a graphic and control the scoreboard data from within Titler Live or an Internet browser. Complete the steps in this article to connect your design to a scoreboard.

Note: Scoreboard controllers are not available in Titler Live Social, Present, or Express.

  1. In Titler Live's playout interface, open a project (if a project isn't already open) and select a graphic in the playlist.

    Tip: Want to create a new graphic? Open the Library panel and drag a design from the library to the playlist. If you create a new graphic with a scoreboard design from the library's Inputs section, your graphic is already connect to a scoreboard input, so go to step 3. If you create a new graphic from the library's Designs section, complete step 2 to add the scoreboard input to your graphic.

  2. Choose Inputs > Sports > Scoreboard Tool and select a sport to add the Scoreboard Tool input to the graphic.

    The Scoreboard Tool input appears in the Input drop-down list in the Attributes panel and in the playlist for that graphic. In addition, the Scoreboard Tool input and its variables appear in the Edit / Preview panel.


    • You can also add inputs to a graphic from the Input drop-down list in the Attributes panel or playlist.
    • To remove an input from a graphic, right-click (Windows) or Control + click (Mac) on the name of an input in the Edit / Preview panel and choose Remove input.
  3. Click the Show Inputs button in the Edit / Preview panel to view the Scoreboard Tool input and variables. (If the input's variables aren't visible, expand the Scoreboard Tool list.)
  4. Click and drag a Scoreboard Tool variable onto an object in your graphic. Repeat this step for each variable you want to include in your graphic.

    Tip: To disconnect a variable from an object in your graphic, right-click a variable in the Edit / Preview panel and choose Disconnect variable.


  5. Use the Scoreboard Controller in the Scoreboard Tool panel to drive variables in your scoreboard graphic.

    Tip: To control the scoreboard from your Internet browser instead of from Titler Live's Scoreboard Tool panel, click the Open in Browser button in the Scoreboard Tool panel.

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