Add graphics to a playlist

Include a variety of graphics in a broadcast, such as lower thirds, full screen graphics, sponsor messages, bugs, and more.

  1. Open a project or create a new project for a live event.
  2. Click Setup if it isn't already open (Setup opens automatically when you create a new project).


  3. Go to the Graphics section and click Add Graphic(s) from Library to open the graphic library.


  4. Double-click on a folder to open it and preview the designs.


  5. Click on a design to highlight it. Click the Done button to add it to your project.


    • Click a graphic a second time deselect it.
    • You can highlight multiple designs at once and bring them all into your project.
    • To select multiple designs, hold down the CTRL (Windows) or CMD (Mac) and select the designs you want to use to add them all at once after finishing your selection and clicking Done


  6. Once added to your project, each graphic will have a "hamburger" menu button that you can click to reveal additional options. Select Rename to change the name of the graphic inside your project, Modify Graphic Design will allow you to edit the design using the Designer tool. Export to save the graphic as an .nbtitle file or Delete to remove the graphic from your project. (Note: Delete only removes the graphic from your project, it does not delete it from the Library).


  7. Click Done to close the Setup or click Next to continue customizing the project's settings.

  8. To save the project, close the Setup, then choose File > Save As, name the project, select VividCast project with Assets from the drop-down list, and click Save. For details, see Save and package VividCast projects to your computer.

The selected graphics appear in the playlist, in the playout interface.

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