Add live audio from any live video source in the current project or from a microphone connected to your computer.
- Open a project or create a new project for a live event.
- Click Setup if it isn't already open. (Setup opens automatically when you create a new project.)
- In Live Audio Input, select a source from the Live Audio Source drop-down list.
Note: If you don't see an audio source that you expect, confirm that the live video source is included in the project (in Setup > Live Video Input) or that a microphone is connected to your computer. If you connect a source while updating a project's settings, close and reopen Setup to refresh the list of sources.
- To play the audio only when a particular video source is live, select the video source from the Video Follow drop-down list. When Video Follow is active, the selected Audio Source will only be heard when that Video Source is selected in the Video Switcher. You can link any audio source to any video source.
- To adjust the volume of the audio source, click and drag a volume slider.
- To mute off the live audio source, click .
- To add another live audio source, click , then repeat the previous steps. Add up to four audio sources.
Tip: To disconnect an audio source without deleting it, select None from the Audio Source drop-down list.
- Click Done to close the Setup or click Next to continue customizing the project.
- To save the project, close Setup, then choose File > Save As, name the project, select VividCast project with Assets from the drop-down list, and click Save. For details, see Save and package VividCast projects to your computer.