Using Live2Post for Importing Your Stream Recording into VEGAS Pro/Post

This article is designed to assist in exporting your recorded live broadcasts from Stream and importing them into VEGAS Pro/POST correctly for post production editing capabilities via Live2Post.  These instructions begin after you have set up your broadcast.

Note: Live2Post will perform all operations needed in background processes during the export/import procedure.  You will not be able to open the program separately.

Exporting from VEGAS Stream

1.  Prior to recording your broadcast, please click the Setup Menu on upper left of top menu bar.


2.  Click Recording.

3.  Toggle Record Output, Record All Inputs (ISO), and Export to VEGAS Pro/Post.

Important!: Please use mp4 file format and mpeg2 for a clean import process.


4.  Click Done.

Note:  There are instructions below the Export to VEGAS Pro/Post toggle that explain how to import the recording into VEGAS Pro/Post for your reference.

5.  Press Record on top menu bar to record the broadcast you would like to save for editing.

6.  Press Record again when the Broadcast has ended. 

7.  You will be prompted to save your project as an .nblvpst file.  Click Save.


Importing into VEGAS Pro/Post

1.  Open VEGAS Pro/Post and navigate to Tools > Scripting > Import from VEGAS Stream.

2.  Press the Import from VEGAS Stream button that pops up in a prompt box.


3.  Navigate to your saved .nblvpst file and click Open.

Your recorded broadcast should now have successfully imported via Live2Post into VEGAS Pro/Post for Post Editing.  Please see Time Line Layout for more information on the different tracks you see or FAQs for more details.

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