Connect Google Slides data to a graphic layer

Titler Live products can display slides from a Google Slides project in graphic layers. This article describes how to link Google Slides projects to graphic layers from your Layers workspace.

Connect Google Slides project to a graphic layer

  1. In Titler Live's playout interface, open a project (if a project isn't already open) and select a graphic layer from the Layers workspace.

    Tip: Want to customize a graphic in the Designer and add new variables? See Create variables in graphics.

    Note: The Google Slides controller requires at least one image variable on a graphic layer. This image variable will be used to display your Slides project.
  2. Navigate to the Data Controller column and select the cell (Select a data source) drop down for the selected graphic layer and choose ProductivityGoogle > Sheets > New Input.

    Tip: To remove an input from a graphic layer navigate to the Preview panel. Click the link data button, then right click on the data source name and choose Remove input.

    Note: Multiple graphic layers cannot be assigned to read from the same Google Slides file. Data links from a Slides file will always belong to the first graphic layer it was connected to. 
  3. This will generate a URL in the Layer Properties panel that can be copied then pasted to your internet browser. Depending on your browser settings, this window may automatically open in your browser. 
  4. Sign into your Google account as prompted by the browser tab. A message will then appear confirming the link between Titler Live and your Google Account.  
  5. Return to Titler Live and the third tab of Layer Properties will now display Folders from your Google Drive that contain any Slides projects. Explore these folders to find the Slides project that you wish to connect to the selected graphic layer that is now connected to the Google Slides data controller.


6. Selecting a slide from the interface will render it and animate it onto your graphic. Selecting any other slide will animate out the previously rendered slide and animate in the selected slide. 


Playout Controls

The play next  button can be used to advance through the slides from your project in their respective order. Using the play next button while on the final slide will playout the slide and the entire graphic layer. 



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