Live streams are a powerful medium for storytelling with involved audience engagement. Live graphics, media, and transitions supplement productions to curate a unique viewing experience.
VividCast ships with graphics collections that can be used to build a professional yet engaging production very quickly.
- Use the Setup menu to build your project's graphics, media, and transition playlist. Read Add graphics to a playlist and Add media files to a playlist.
- Once all the desired production elements have been added from the Setup dialog, click Done.
- Your project playlist will now update with all the playlist assets that were added from Setup.
- Graphics will appear as a Graphics category.
- Media will appear as a Media category.
- Transitions will appear as a Transitions category.
- Both media files and graphics will be accompanied by a play button. Click the play button to bring that graphic or media file to live output.
- Click the red play button to take the corresponding graphic or media file off live output.
Note: Multiple media files and graphics can be live at once. This can be used to create complex, yet beautiful graphic scenes.