Spreadsheet Controller Operation

Management of Google Sheets, Excel and local Spreadsheet controllers are now available via Companion to control basic navigation, selection, and playback features.  This facilitates operations such as driving variables, synchronizing multiple actions, and controlling delayed actions according to your workflow and production needs.

Configuring Your Spreadsheet 

1. Open Titler Live 5 and set up your project with Layers that are connected to one or more spreadsheet controllers.


2. Launch Companion from the Program Files folder on Win or the Applications folder on Mac.

3. Choose Launch GUI to open the Companion Application in your browser.

4. Navigate to the Connections tab and ensure Titler NewBlue is indicating OK Status.  If not, please Add Connection > Search Titler > Add NewBlue Titler Live.

5. Choose the Buttons tab located in the top-center menu.

6. Select the NewBlue: Titler Live button displayed under the Presets tab on the right side of the Button panel.


7. Click the Google Sheets/Excel/Spreadsheet: (Name of Project file) button.


8. Drag and drop the button preset to your desired location on the Buttons Configuration Board.


NOTE: See a list of Spreadsheet Controller Preset Actions Available in the table below.  Also, see section for Presets Additional Configuration Options and Requirements which include: Select Row, Select Value, Play Row, Select Sheet By Name, Play Graphic, and the Active Feedback buttons.


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Spreadsheet Controller Preset Actions Available 

Google / Excel / Spreadsheet Operations

Button Icon Action Description Equivalent Titler Live 5 Action



Play_Next.png Select Next Row Select next row in the sheet. From a specific spreadsheet or the last-used spreadsheet. Pressing the Down arrow on the keyboard while interacting with the spreadsheet tab in Layer Properties. Optional
Play_Previous.png Select Previous Row Select previous row in the sheet. Select from a specific spreadsheet or follow the last-used spreadsheet. Pressing the Up arrow on the keyboard while interacting with the spreadsheet tab in Layer Properties. Optional
Select_by_Row.png Select by Row Select a specific row from spreadsheet. Call a row from a specific spreadsheet or follow the last-used spreadsheet. Clicking in a row in the spreadsheet tab in Layer Properties. (Not clicking on the Play Head in the Google and Microsoft controllers, that is Play Row) Required
Slect_by_Value.png Select by Value Select a row in a spreadsheet by specifying a target column from the sheet and entering an exact value to match. Clicking in a row in the spreadsheet tab in Layer Properties. (Not clicking on the Play Head in the Google and Microsoft controllers, that is Play Row) Required
Play_by_Row.png Play by Row Select a specific row from spreadsheet and play on-air. Call a row from a specific spreadsheet or follow the last-used spreadsheet.

Google Sheets/Excel: Clicking the play head (in the controller UI) for a specific row that may or may not be currently selected.(This only applies to Google and Excel.)

Spreadsheet controller: No direct equivalent.

Refresh.png Refresh Refresh the spreadsheet. Select from a specific spreadsheet or follow the last-used spreadsheet.
*N/A in Spreadsheets*

Google Sheets/Excel: Clicking the “Refresh this table” button at the top of the controller UI. (This only applies to Google and Excel.)

Spreadsheet controller: No direct equivalent.

Toggle_Autoplay.png Autoplay Start or stop Autoplay for a specific sheet or follow the last-used spreadsheet. Starting or stopping Auto Play from the controller UI. Required
Select_Sheet.png Select  Sheet Select which sheet will be controlled by Companion when multiple sheets are connected to the TL project. Clicking the designated spreadsheet tab within “Layer Properties” to engage the controller Required

Google / Excel / Spreadsheets Feedbacks

Button Icon Action Description




Screen_Shot_2022-06-27_at_8.54.31_AM.png Active Sheet Feedback Reports the sheet that is currently being controlled by Companion. Shows active sheet name. None

Spreadsheet Feedback

Reports the row that is currently selected in the active sheet. Can be configured to report the row index or display the value from a designated column. Required

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Presets Additional Configuration Options & Requirements

All of the Preset Buttons can be edited when selected in the Button Configuration Board.  However, you will need to add additional configuration to most of the Preset buttons to customize the specific action requirements.  Certain actions require Companion to specify which Row, Column, or Sheet will need to be directed through the Titler Live controller. 

Play Next/Play Previous

1. Select the Play Next or Play Previous button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2.  Choose the desired Google Sheets/Excel/Spreadsheet in the drop down menu under Sheet Input to Control.


Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to play live in the Program Monitor of the Titler Live 5 interface. 

Select by Row

1. Select the Select Row button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2. Choose the desired Google Sheets/Excel/Spreadsheet in the drop down menu under Sheet Input to Control.

3. Type the desired Row in the input box under Row Index in Sheet to Select.


Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to see selection in the Layer Properties Panel of the Titler Live 5 interface. 

Select by Value

1. Select the Select Value button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2. Choose the desired Google Sheets/Excel/Spreadsheet in the drop down menu under Sheet Input to Control.

3. Type the desired Column in the input box under Target Column.

4. Type the desired Variable name in the input box under Value to Match.


Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to see selection in the Layer Properties Panel of the Titler Live 5 interface. 

Play by Row

1. Select the Play Row button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2. Choose the desired Google Sheets/Excel/Spreadsheet in the drop down menu under Sheet Input to Control.

3. Type the desired Row in the drop down menu under Row Index in Sheet to Select.


Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to play live in the Program Monitor of the Titler Live 5 interface. 


1. Select the Refresh button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2. Choose the desired Google Sheet/Excel document in the drop down menu under Sheet Input to Control.


Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to to see the refresh occur in the Layer Properties Panel of the Titler Live 5 interface. 


1. Select the Autoplay button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2. Choose the desired Google Sheets/Excel/Spreadsheet in the drop down menu under Sheet Input to Control.


Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to play live in the Program Monitor of the Titler Live 5 interface. 

Select by Sheet

1. Select the Select Sheet button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2. Choose the desired Google Sheet in the drop down menu under Sheet Input to Control.


Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to to see selection in the Layer Properties Panel of the Titler Live 5 interface. 

Selection Feedback

1. Select the Selection Feedback button on the Button Configuration Panel which will open an Edit Button tab in the right side panel. 

2. Choose the between Target Column or Row Index in the drop down menu under Feedback Type.


Additional Options and Settings are available.

Note: If freezing occurs, please refresh your browser.

Your Spreadsheet Controller is now configured to be operated by Bitfocus Companion. 

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