Creating Multi-Action Stacks in Companion

Bitfocus Companion allows you to assign multiple actions, with specified delays, to a single button. This allows you to queue a sequence of events in your broadcast with a single press of that button.  You can start with a button preset and stack actions onto the initial action(s).  Or you can fully customize a button from start to finish with your desired actions.

Stacking Actions on a Preset Button

1. Choose the Preset Button you wish to begin your stacked action sequence with on the Button Configuration Board.


2. Enter your next desired action into the + Add key down/on action


or Browse and Add from the Preset Actions under Titler.

NOTE: Actions for Google Sheets, Excel, Spreadsheets and all Play Layer actions will only be available for the data controllers/layers that are in an opened Titler Live project on the system.


3. Configure any additional properties for the action you selected. For a full list of actions and their possible configurations, please refer to Spreadsheet Controller Operation and Assigning Buttons for Project Navigation.

(In the below example, Layer for Playout.)


4. Enter the amount of delay from when the Button is pressed.  (Default time is in milliseconds.)


5. Repeat for the additional actions you would like to stack on that button.

Test the stacked actions by Pressing the Test actions button to play live in the Program Monitor of the Titler Live 5 interface or your preferred control method. You should receive feedback on the button itself as the action is activated, as well as, see your action occur in the Program Monitor of the Titler Live 5 interface. 

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Customizing a Regular Button

1. Select a blank/empty button in the Button Configuration Board. This will open an Edit Button tab on the right side panel.


2. Select Regular button on the green dropdown menu per the prompt given.


3. Customize your button by typing in the Button Text, choosing a color, etc.


4. Enter your desired action into the + Add key down/on action


or Browse and Add from the Preset Actions under Titler.


5. Configure any additional properties for the action you selected. For a full list of actions and their possible configurations, please refer to Spreadsheet Controller Operation and Assigning Buttons for Project Navigation.


6. Enter the amount of delay from when the Button will be initiated. (Default time is in milliseconds.)


7. Repeat for the additional actions you would like to stack on that button.

Test the action by Pressing the Test actions button to play live in the Program Monitor of the Titler Live 5 interface or your preferred control method. You should receive feedback on the button itself as the action is activated, as well as, see your action occur in the Program Monitor of the Titler Live 5 interface. 

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