I can't find my NewBlue products on my M1, M2, or Mac Studio

M1 Macs are supported with the all of our products.  However, Rosetta must be downloaded and installed for them to run.  Please choose from the following sections to run your NewBlue programs successfully on your Mac M1 system.

Installing Rosetta Manually

Apple has stopped pre-installing the Rosetta Application on newer versions of the M1, M2, and Mac Studio Apple Systems. If there was no prompt to install Rosetta, you must install the application manually.  You will know this is the case if, after running the installer, you were alerted that installation was successful yet you are unable to locate your application in the Applications folder.  Please perform the following steps:

  1. Open Terminal on your Mac
  2. Copy & paste the following command into the command line: softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
  3. Press EnterScreenshot 2023-09-18 at 4.45.05 PM.png
  4. Restart your system to ensure this option is adopted by all your system applications especially for Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve.

Note: Spaces are important! If you re-type, the dashes may change automatically or copy/paste will sometimes change formatting.  Wait a moment after typing each dash to keep separate. 

Given a prompt to Install Rosetta

In this event, there may be a prompt to install Rosetta when attempting to open an application that requires it.


If this prompt is present:

1. Click Install.

2. Follow the steps given to complete installation prior to opening your NewBlue products.

Once installation is complete, you should be able to open your NewBlue applications directly.

Open Using Rosetta

If Rosetta is already installed on your M1 Mac, then you will just have to enable the "Open Using Rosetta" option for your NLE (including Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, and DaVinci Resolve).  This option can be accessed in the Get Info panel for the host application you are looking use.  Please perform the following steps:

1: Open a finder window and navigate to the Applications folder

2: Locate the Application.

3: Right click and select ‘Get Info'

4: Click the ‘Open using Rosetta’ check box in the info dialog and relaunch your Application.


Note: Please make sure you are opening the right-click context menu for the application and NOT the folder.  It is a bit confusing because Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve use a logo icon for both.  The folder will open to display contents within finder while the Application will actually open the program.  

Once this is complete, relaunch the application and you should be able to access your NewBlueFX in the Effects panel.

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