Add audio from any video source in a project or from a microphone connected to your computer.
- Open a project or create a new project for a live event.
- Click Setup if Settings isn't already open. (It opens automatically when you create a new project.)
- In Live Audio Input, select a source from the Audio Source drop-down list.
Note: If you don't see an audio source that you expect, confirm that the video source is included in the project (in Setup > Video Input) or that a microphone is connected to your computer. If you connect a source while updating a project's settings, close and reopen Setup to refresh the list of sources.
- To play the audio only when a video source is live, select the video source from the Video Follow drop-down list.
- To adjust the volume of the audio source, click and drag a volume slider.
- To turn off the audio source, click Mute .
- To add another audio source, click Add , then repeat the previous steps. Add up to four audio sources.
Tip: To disconnect an audio source without deleting it, select None from the Audio Source drop-down list.
- Click Done to close Settings, or click Next to continue customizing the project's settings.
- To save the project, close Settings, then choose File > Save As, name the project, select VEGAS Stream with Assets from the drop-down list, and click Save. For details, see Save and package VEGAS Stream projects to your computer.