If you have StretchCast Premium, you can include data from XLSX and CSV files in graphics during a broadcast. Display blocks of data, one line of data, and parts of a line in a graphic.
The amount of data that you can display depends on the design of a particular graphic and how the data is structured (as basic or block data) in a XLSX and CSV file.
Note: The spreadsheet data feature described in this article is only available in Presto StretchCast Premium.
Tip: To see the difference between basic and block data files, see Create spreadsheet data files.
Sections in this article:
- Display data from basic data files
- Display and hide data from block data files
- Automatically play spreadsheet data
Display data from basic data files
- Open a project or create a new project for a sporting event.
- If you haven't already created a basic spreadsheet file, added the spreadsheet as a data source in the project's settings, and added a spreadsheet-compatible graphic to the playlist, do that now. For details, see the following articles.
- Select the spreadsheet-compatible graphic in the playlist. The graphic's spreadsheet data appears in the Graphic Controls monitor.
- If the Graphic Controls monitor includes spreadsheet controls for more than one graphic, expand the spreadsheet controls for the graphic you selected in the previous step.
- In the Graphic Controls monitor, click a line of spreadsheet data to display that line in the graphic.
Display and hide data from block data files
- Open a project or create a new project for a sporting event.
- If you haven't already created a basic spreadsheet file, added the spreadsheet as a data source in the project's settings, and added a spreadsheet-compatible graphic to the playlist, do that now. For details, see the following articles.
- Select the spreadsheet-compatible graphic in the playlist. The graphic's spreadsheet data appears in the Graphic Controls monitor.
- If the Graphic Controls monitor includes spreadsheet controls for more than one graphic, expand the spreadsheet controls for the graphic you selected in the previous step.
- In the Graphic Controls monitor, click anywhere in a block of spreadsheet data to display that block in the graphic.
- To turn off (and turn on) specific blocks, lines, or parts of lines, do any of the following steps. (Note that all data are turned on by default.)
- Click the Block button near the top-left corner of a data block to turn the block off and on.
- Click the Line button next to a line to turn the line off and on.
- Click a cell in a data block to turn the cell off and on.
Automatically play spreadsheet data
When a spreadsheet includes multiple lines or blocks of data, StretchCast can automatically display each line or block of data in succession during playback.
- Open a project or create a new project for a sporting event.
- If you haven't already created a basic spreadsheet file, added the spreadsheet as a data source in the project's settings, and added a spreadsheet-compatible graphic to the playlist, do that now. For details, see the following articles.
- Select the spreadsheet-compatible graphic in the playlist. The graphic's spreadsheet data appears in the Graphic Controls monitor.
- If the Graphic Controls monitor includes spreadsheet controls for more than one graphic, expand the spreadsheet controls for the graphic you selected in the previous step.
- If the graphic shows a block of spreadsheet data and you want to turn off (and turn on) specific blocks, lines, or parts of lines, do any of the following steps. (Note that all data are turned on by default.)
- Click the Block button near the top-left corner of a data block to turn the block off and on.
- Click the Line button next to a line to turn the line off and on.
- Click a cell in a data block to turn the cell off and on.
- Click the Auto Play button in the Spreadsheet panel for the input that's connected to the graphic that you want to display.
- Enter a number in the Delay field to determine how many seconds each line or block of data will be displayed during playback.
- Click the Play button for the spreadsheet-connected graphic in the playlist. StretchCast automatically displays and rotates through each line or block of data in the spreadsheet file.